9 research outputs found

    Dental erosion as a manifestation of Sjogren's syndrome

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    Introduction: Dental erosion is the loss of dental hard tissue by a chemical process not involving bacteria. It has a multifactorial origin and could be observed as a manifestation of different diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome.Materials and Methods: The article reports a clinical case of a 57-year-old patient with erosive defects on the entire dentition and problems with saliva secretion.Diagnosis was made by using ultrasound examination and chairside test for evaluation of saliva properties.Results: The results from the chairside test revealed poor quality of the stimulated and resting saliva. The ultrasound examination showed a total change in the structure of the tissues of all salivary glands.Conclusion: Dental health should not be treated as an isolated body condition - it is part of the whole organism. The intraoral examination can be essential for the discovery of some systemic diseases

    Excellence Mapping: Bibliometric study of the productivity and the impact of scientific publications of the JRC: Mapping of scientific areas and application areas: Volume 2: Analysis of the JRC collaborations with world academic institutions

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    The present report is the second volume of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) excellence mapping. While the first volume concentrates on the productivity and the impact of the JRC scientific work, in terms of publications and citations, in general, the present volume analyses a particular subset of publications that have been jointly produced with scientists from other organisations. In particular, it analyses the co-authored publications between the JRC and the world academic institutions, which are highly ranked in different world university rankings. In the context of this analysis, three different rankings have been used (Times higher education ranking, QS world university ranking and Academic ranking of world universities) and the Top-100 academic institutions in each of them have been analysed in order to investigate: 1) the existence of formal agreements with the JRC; 2) number of co-authored publications with the JRC and 3) the scientific areas where the collaborations occur.JRC.A.2-Planning, Evaluation and Knowledge Managemen

    V-Shaped Defects - Epidemiological Aspects

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    Некариозните заболявания на твърдите зъбни тъкани се наблюдават сред все по- голяма част от пациентите. Типичен пример са клиновидните дефекти, които имат специфична етиология, патогенеза и клинична картина. Срещат се предимно по вестибуларната повърхност на зъбите и при тяхното задълбочаване водят до разрушаване на зъбната коронка. В българската научна литература има недоизяснени моменти относно епидемиологията, патогенезата, етиологията и клиниката на клиновидните дефекти, a в чуждестранната литература има много противоречиви данни по отношение на тяхното лечение. Нашето проучване установява, че от 250 поредни прегледани пациента, 29 от тях имат наличие на клиновидни дефекти, като по- често се среща при по- възрастни пациенти в групата над 55год. и по-често при жени, отколкото при мъже, много голяма употреба на механичната четка за зъби спрямо електрическата, с най- голяма честота на миене 2 пъти на ден по 2 минути. Голям процент -76% от пациентите съобщават за чувствителност на зъбите и липса на вреден навик( стискане и скърцане със зъби)-72%.Non-carious cervical lesions have been widely reported by many dental professionals as common clinical findings among patients. Teeth with a wedge-shaped defect are a typical example, having specific etiology, pathogenesis and clinical features. The condition affects mostly the vestibular surface of the teeth and the evolution of this pathology leads to the destruction of the tooth crown. There are a lot of unclear moments in Bulgarian scientific literature concerning epidemiology, pathogenesis, etiology and clinical features and foreign literature has contradictory data and clinical approaches in the treatment and managing of the cervical loss of tooth structure. Our survey found that 29 out of the 250 serial participants had v-shaped defects, more often seen in older patients, especially in the group of over 55-year-olds and more often in females than males, more often in cases of higher usage of mechanical to electrical toothbrushes and most often when brushing twice a day for 2 minutes. About 76% of studied patients report dentin hypersensitivity and 72% lack of harmful habits (bruxism and bruxomania)

    Erosive tooth wear - epidemiological study on the territory of the city of Varna

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    Проблемите, свързани със зъбното ерозивно износване са много и разнообразни. Необратимият характер на това заболяване и зачестяването му в съвременния свят правят неговото проучване значимо и актуално. В българската научна литература липсват съвременни данни относно епидемиологията и етиологията на зъбната ерозия. Споменатите факти станаха основание за провеждане на нашето проучване. Обект на изследването са случайно подбрани 332 пациенти на територията на град Варна, на които е извършен обстоен дентален преглед и на които е дадена подробна анкетна карта, засягаща проблема зъбна ерозия. Резултатите от клиничното проучване посочват, че 46% от прегледаните имат минимум един ерозивен дефект. Най-често засегнати са пациентите от женски пол, a водещият етиологичен фактор е не един, a е комбинация от действието на ендогенни киселини и екзогенни такива, дължащи се на хранително-питейна консумация.Problems associated with dental erosive wear are many and varied. The irreversible nature of this disease and its increasing frequency in the modern world make its study meaningful and up-to-date. The Bulgarian scientific literature lacks contemporary data on the epidemiology and etiology of dental erosion. These facts became the basis for our research. The subject of the study were 332 randomly selected patients on the territory of the city of Varna who had a thorough dental examination and were given a detailed questionnaire on the problem of dental erosion. The results of the clinical trial indicate that 46% of those surveyed have at least one erosive defect. Female patients are most commonly affected, and the leading etiological factor is not one but a combination of endogenous and exogenous acids due to eating and drinking habits

    Horizon 2020-funded security research projects with dual-use potential: An overview (2014-2018)

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    The analysis carried out in this report facilitates the identification of dual-use research topics and projects funded under Horizon 2020 that have a dual-use civilian/military potential, the results of which could be applied both by security and defence stakeholders (including industry). In this way, it could support the future security and defence research programmes in their attempt of avoiding duplication of investments and promoting synergies.JRC.E.7-Knowledge for Security and Migratio

    JRC horizon scanning on dual-use civil and military research

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    This report presents the results of a horizon scanning exercise carried out by the JRC, aiming at identifying “emerging” issues displaying potentiality for dual-use research and further applications, i.e. use of civilian research outcomes for defence purposes and vice versa. The exercise allowed the identification of 14 issues, seven of which being further commented: six perceived as having very high relevance for dual-use applications in short- to mid-term (between now and ca. 10 years), plus one assessed as emerging at the longer-term. Interestingly four issues out of these seven ones fall entirely or partially under the realm of biology: “Multifunctional materials”, “CRISPR and genetic manipulations”, “Enhancing humans” and “Synthetic biology”. All together, these thematic issues, actually interrelated, show that the importance of the manipulation of the living, including that of human bodies, with all its aspects, positive and negative, bright and dark, defensive and offensive, is expected to increase in time and impact.JRC.E.7-Knowledge for Security and Migratio

    The V-shaped defects on hard tooth tissues - a contemporary view

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    Клиновидните дефекти представляват загуба на зъбна тъкан в цервикалната област на зъба, в близост до емайло-циментовата граница, без наличие на кариозен процес, т.е. в отсъствие на микроорганизми. Имат форма на клин, която придобиват след загубата на твърдите зъбни субстанции - гингивалната и коронарната стена се срещат под прав ъгъл, с връх, насочен към зъбната пулпа. Имат специфична етиология, патогенеза и клинична картина. Характерно за това заболяване е, че дефектите са локализирани предимно по вестибуларната повърхност на зъбите, най-често първи премолари. Тяхното задълбочаване води до разрушаване на зъбната корона, заболявания на пулпата и периодонциума. Външният вид на зъбите е нарушен. Проблемите, които са свързани с клиновидните дефекти, са много и разнообразни, a своевременното им лечение е от съществено значение за стационирането на патологичните процеси.Wedge defects represent loss of dental tissue in the cervical region of the tooth close to the enamel-cement border, without the presence of carious process i.e. in the absence of micro-organisms. The typical outlook is the shape of a wedge, that happens after the loss of hard dental tissues- gingival and coronal wall meet at a right angle, with the tip pointing towards the tooth pulp. They have a specific etiology, pathogenesis and clinical features. The disease affects mostly the vestibular surface of teeth, most often of the first premolars. The evolution of this pathology leads to the destruction of the tooth crown, pulpopathosis and periodontitis. The esthetic is disturbed. Issues associated with the spur-shaped defects are multipule and adequate treatment is essential for the arrest of the pathological processes

    Excellence mapping: Bibliometric study of the productivity and the impact of scientific publications of the JRC: Mapping of scientific areas and application areas: Volume 1: General analysis and benchmarking

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    This report analyses the productivity and the impact of the scientific work of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in specific scientific areas by means of publications and citations analysis in order to identify and map areas of excellence. The excellence mapping is structured as two volumes: the first volume concentrates on benchmarking the scientific publications and the second one on aspects of scientific collaborations. In order to benchmark the JRC impact, five indicators based on citations and size-independent metrics are used. On the basis of these indicators, the JRC performance is compared with the Top-15 organisations in the world having the highest absolute number of citations in a given scientific area, and against the world average.JRC.A.2-Planning, Evaluation and Knowledge Managemen

    Security and defence research in the European Union: a landscape review

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    This landscape report describes the state of play of the European Union’s policies and activities in security and defence and the EU-funded research aimed at supporting them, with an exclusive focus on intentional harm. It is organised around several thematic building blocks under the umbrella of the three core priorities defined in the European agenda on security. The report reviews the current main risks and threats but also those that may emerge within the next 5 years, the policy and operational means developed to combat them, the main active stakeholders and the EU legislation in force. In this context, a short history of EU research on security and defence is presented, followed by an inventory of relevant research and development projects funded under the Horizon 2020 framework programme during the period 2014-2018. The specific contributions of the Joint Research Centre to security research are also highlighted. Finally, future avenues for security and defence research and development are discussed. Please note that the executive summary of this landscape report has been published simultaneously as a companion document.JRC.E.7-Knowledge for Security and Migratio